Road Detour: STH 76 from STH 96 to STH 15 will be closed for roundabout construction beginning April 15,2024.

Zoning Code Update & Sub-Area Plans Project Website

Zoning Code Update & Sub-Area Plans Project Page
The Zoning Code was adopted and went into effect on December 1, 2020 and can be found at the following LINK. 
The Sub-Area Plan was adopted and can be found at the following LINK.

Greenville adopted its 2040 Comprehensive Plan on July 22, 2019. The Planning Commission and Village board have already started the implementation process by initiating an update and complete rewrite or Chapter 320 Zoning Ordinance.

The Village Board developed Ad Hoc Committees to initiate the development of the zoning ordinance through Resolution 67-19. A tentative schedule has been prepared to help guide the project.

Greenville is also embarking upon a process to create small area plans for the Urban Core, Heritage, and Gateway areas identified in its recently adopted 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Each small area plan will establish a vision for the area and consider broad land use patterns and public improvements that may be needed to support the vision.  To assist with this process, the Village has hired Hoisington Koegler Group Inc.

In order to create a viable small area plan, community input is essential. Community members and property owners can often provide valuable insights from their experiences that help to shape and strengthen the plan. During this planning process, there will be several opportunities to engage with Staff.

The first phase of engagement is intended to help Staff learn more about the unique challenges, opportunities, and needs of each area. The Staff will be soliciting input from community organizations, large landowners, and regional agencies. Additional opportunities for broader community input will be available later in the planning process.

If you have questions or would like to become more involved, please contact Michael J.D. Brown, Community and Economic Development Director at or (920)757-5151 ext 2000.

 Unknown Image Public Involvement
TELL US  YOUR THOUGHTS! We can't make this plan without you! Click on these links to give us your thoughts and ideas!
Zoning Ordinance Draft,
Sub-Area Plans!

Public Informational meeting was held on
Thursday, November 14, 2019 5:30 to 6:30 pm
Greenville Town Hall, W6860 Parkview Drive
Meeting Presentation

Zoning Ordinance Update

Project Materials

Sub-Area Planning