Road Detour: STH 76 from STH 96 to STH 15 will be closed for roundabout construction beginning April 15,2024.


Stormwater UtilityStormwater

Stormwater pollution is runoff water that has picked up pollutants as it flows through the storm drain system that empties directly into local waterways. Unlike sewage, this water is untreated before being put into the local waters. Anything that is added to this water is also being added to our waterways. This includes things such as, grass clippings, trash, pet waste, cigarette butts, motor oil, anti-freeze, pesticides and fertilizers, paint from brushes or containers and toxic household chemicals. All of this pollution is running into our waters and causing harmful algae blooms that kill fish and aquatic life, not to mention the decline of swimming waters. The information given will hopefully help to get everyone involved in preserving our local waters.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Tips — The number one way to help reduce pollution is to get involved!

Phosphorus Ban OrdinanceBy regulating the amounts of phosphorus that are being applied to land in Greenville, we are able to lessen he amount of polluted stormwater runoff that is contaminating the local waters.

Soil Testing Information - Samples may be dropped off at the UW-Extension Office, 3365 W Brewster St, Appleton, WI for $20 per sample 832-5119

Mosquito and West Nile Virus Information:

Stark, Jamie. "Fox Valley Mosquito Season May be Worst in Years." The Northwestern [Oshkosh] 25 June 2009.

Town of Greenville Concern/Request Form